Happy Birthday to Kim!

October 31, 2008

Yes it’s Halloween but it also happens to be our boss’ birthday so in honor of her, we thought we’d put together a list of some things that you may not know about Caster’s founder.

Ten Things (We Love) About Kim

  • Her love for her dog, Mattie (read about her here) knows no bounds and has been known to make special trips to the store to buy hamburgers if Mattie refuses to eat the dog food she is given.
  • She actually wrote in her Caster bio that she wants to learn how to surf but thinks that drowning is a horrible way to die.
  • If you ever share a hotel room with her, be prepared to sleep in arctic conditions and also know that she does sleep with earplugs and cannot hear a word you are saying.
  • She once was sweated on by Jon Bon Jovi at a Bon Jovi concert.
  • She’s a helluva table dancer – as evidenced by many press parties in Vegas and recently at a Caster wedding reception.
  • She is a phenomenal mother and once broke her foot from falling down the stairs and trying to prevent her daughter (a baby at the time) from injury.  She then attended CES in Las Vegas with the broken foot and had to roll around the show floor with a scooter.  That’s love, people.
  • She can gamble like no one we’ve ever seen and has been known to walk up to a roulette table, hit on double 0 and walk away with $700.
  • She loses or breaks her phone on a regular basis and we’re just waiting for someone to invent a velcro cell phone contraption that you can stick to your body – because that is so going to be her next bday gift.
  • She’s famous for being an awesome gift giver – ask any Casterites what they’ve gotten for their birthdays and past Christmases.
  • She’s got a bit of a sugar addiction and has been known to send people to the store for Now & Laters.

We could go on (and on, and on) but let’s just say that with Kim as a boss, things around here are never boring.   And if you know her as well as we do, you know what we’re talking about!

Posted by: Ashley
Contributors: Katie Short, Lauren Simmen, Molly Entin, Sarah Goodrich, Joe Hageman and Rebecca Pelton (even though all her contributions were vetoed)